For the two of you reading this, sorry for not updating sooner.
After the Trina Nishimura/Jaime March event, I was supposed stick around and stay in the Main Events F/G/H room with Russell for photography duty for the event. When I opened my laptop and read the next event's details, I knew that the next crowd would be even more rabid than the last. I told Russell about it, and he seemed to know what was to come. Within seconds, Edward Elric cosplayers and others of the pre-teen variety all swarmed the room. Masses of "Yaoi and Yuri paddles were abound. Chants for "We want Vic!" were heard. Vic Micnogna and Colleen Clinkenbeard finally appeared, and the place went berserk. Vic and Colleen introduced themselves, and obviously when Vic did, the fangirls started to scream. I thought I was in hell. For those of you who don't know these guys I'll explain. Vic Micnogna is an extremely popular Voice Actor who has starred in the most popular anime in the U.S, like Full Metal Alchemist (Edward) and One Piece (Nezumi). Colleen Clinkenbeard is a Voice Actress who also starred in many fan favorites including Full Metal Alchemist (Riza), Case Closed (Rachel), and One Piece (Luffy).
At this point in the blog, you may notice that Vic Mignogna was the star attraction in this event, and bygod, you're right [/insert sarcasm]. Almost all of the questions were directed towards Vic, like "How does it feel being Edward's VA?" and "Who was your favorite character you voiced as?", the latter leading to an answer that Yaoi fangirls screamed over. I loved how almost all of these questions were ones that Colleen could have easily answered, and felt really sorry for her. (Well, anyone who shares a show with Vic)
I viewed my schedule and realized I was late for an event going on at the same time, the Super Anime Trivia. I went to room B, to find that my friend Kent Ward and one of the founders of the UCF anime club, Anime Spot, was on the stage. They were in the middle of a question about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, one of my favorite comic books. I wanted to answer the question so much, but I, being the camera man, couldn't. Overall, it was a fun event. Here's some shots of the event.
I promise to update this crazy, fun, and photo-heavy post on part 3.
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